Fun things happening on my mini-ranch in Montana
Published on August 1, 2004 By Thistledowne In Welcome
Hello! This is my very first BLOG and I'm looking forward to writing often and improving as I go along.

I live on a small ranch in the foothills of the Beartooth/Absaroka Mountains in South Central Montana. This home is an answer to years of prayer. Here I have been able to heal physically and emotionally, make my dreams come true, and grow into a more calm, peaceful person.

Over the past 2 years, our family has grown to include a grandchild, a horse, 3 sheep, 3 peafowl, a goat, cats, dogs and wildlife. As my thought gains peace, more animals grace us with their visits.

As I am pressed for time today, I just wanted to write a little. I'll post a more detailed BLOG later on. My hopes are that this will be a harmonious and helpful experience (BLOGGING).


on Aug 01, 2004
Welcome to Maxwell blogs, may you have a Maxwellian time!
